Thursday 24 September 2020

Why are there short films? Post 3

  •  Whats the point of them?
  • Education
  • creative vision
  • awards 
  • entertainment.

Who makes them?Who's in them?
  • Anyone with resources can. It can be as simple as being created on a smart phone with a camera.
  • Students.
  • Friends.
  • Actors.
  • Could be animation.
How and where are they exhibited?
  • Feature before films in cinemas.
  • Film festivals.
  • YouTube and various streaming services where there's access for wider audiences.
Has this always been the case?
  • When film was first made and popularised, the majority of films were short films however this was due to a lack of technology at the time of production.
Who watches them?
  • Anyone with access to the websites, streaming services and festivals can watch short films and the primary audiences for short films are incredibly diverse from film to film.

Tuesday 8 September 2020

Short Film Ideas and Plan: Task 4


Subsequently, I have decided to go along with idea B because I think I can tell a captivating story in 5 minutes with this idea with a strong narrative. 

The narrative technique used will be Media Res as the short film wont have time to e.g. establish equilibrium. So, the story will open with the character already in the middle of things. However, with this in mind, it will establish the character as the protagonist and what his goals and motives are. 

Narrative + Plot: A senior man with dementia who has wandered away from the hospital, seeks revenge on a mobster who has wronged him. However, what he doesn't know is, nobody has wronged him at all and this is all in his head. At the end, people in white coats walk into his house and subsequently take him back to the hospital.

Characters: Michael - The protagonist. Roberto - The so called antagonist that Michael seeks revenge on. Sarah - The nurse in the white coat.


Setting: Michaels house. However, my house will be used to portray Michael's house as it would be a rather fitting location. Establishes the modern setting. 

Lighting: Natural light will be used to add a sense of realism as I intend to make this film a realistic representation of dementia.

Costume: Simeon who appears at the end will wear a white coat to show that he is a nurse and has come to retrieve Michael. Also, Michael will wear rather casual clothes rather than what hospital patients normally wear as the audience aren't supposed to be aware that he actually has dementia until the end.

Character expression and movement: The protagonist is locked in a bitter revenge fantasy and his face reflects his thoughts and emotions. At some points, Michael will have inner-monologues, so his facial expressions will reflect what he's thinking. 

Hair and makeup: He's an old balding man who wears a robe. Emphasises his senior age.

Cinematography: Black and white whilst he's in his fantasy. However, when he's in reality it goes back to colour and we see he's wearing his bath robe again rather than his casual clothes he wears in his fantasy.

Props: Weapons, photographs and letters scattered around the apartment, reflecting his criminal past as well as subtly suggesting that he's a patient of some sort. 

Sound: Non-diegetic sounds that reflect Michael's emotions/the situation. 

Short Films Project (copy up): Post 1

Here is the link:

Toast short film recreation:

  Here is the link