Tuesday 9 February 2021

Post 11: Final costume and make-up:

 Here is what the protagonist will wear at the beginning of the film:

I don't want him to be blatantly exposed as a mental patient until the end. Instead, I intend on showing brief vignettes that Michael is indeed a patient deriving from a mental hospital, through the use of Mise-en-scene. This will include letters scattered around his apartment that come from a hospital.

Moreover, I took inspiration from Vincent Gigante, a real former Mafia boss who wandered the streets in a bath robe. Here is an example:

Post 9: Final Setting:

The setting will be my house. Why? My house will be an effective way of establishing the modern era in which the story is set. Through Mise-en-scene, such as props, will illustrate that the setting is modern day and set in an urban neighbourhood. 

In regards to props, there will be photographs scattered around the house showing the protagonist with his mafia crew, providing vignettes of the protagonist's past, as well as motives. Moreover, this develops his character and provides insight to his backstory. 

There's a section of downtown Wymondham which resembles downtown Brooklyn: 

I want to film the section in which Michael gets jumped here, as the rustic aesthetic helps indicate that it's a flashback and in the past. Moreover, this location also appears to be more reflective of the rather confined areas that you would find in New York. 


Toast short film recreation:

  Here is the link