Tuesday 15 December 2020

Post 10: Final casting and characters

I've casted my father to play the protagonist, Michael. He fits the profile of an ex mafia boss perfectly. My father has a New York accent which fits the characterisation of stereotypical members of the Mafia. Furthermore, he is balding which will help portray that he's elderly and implies that he's been in the business for a long time. 

Michael is a retired mafia boss with dementia. He reminisces on a time when an old rival jumped him and left him all beaten up. Michael intends on taking revenge by dismembering his old foe. 

I'm casting myself to play Michael in the flashback, as I already look like a younger version of himself. This will help to portray that the scene is a flashback, and that Michael is clearly younger.

Casting Roberto and his 3 crew members of my friends - They're the same age as me, who is playing Michael in his early 20's.  

My sister will play his daughter - She's got a rather calm and caring persona, hence why I feel that she could play the role of the person who ultimately helps Michael come back into touch with reality at the end. Moreover, it’s obvious that she likes like the daughter of Michael due to the facial similarities, making it clear that she is indeed his daughter.

Monday 7 December 2020

Post 7: Audience Research

I pitched my 60 second short film idea to my classmates and friends and received feedback.

Here's what they had to say:

- To show that the protagonist has escaped the mental hospital multiple times before, use props to show this such as make him write his revenge ideas on a piece of paper then toss it into a bin that's filled with paper.

- When filming a flashback sequence, film it in black and white to make it clear that it's an event from the past. 

- Use diegetic sounds to reflect his mental stat/emotional - make everything more exaggerated and louder, acting in harmony to what Michael is doing or thinking. 

Here is some of the feedback which I have/will act upon:

Toast short film recreation:

  Here is the link