Friday 9 April 2021

Post 8: Final Plot Outline

Michael, a retired Mafia boss with dementia, seeks revenge on an old rival who had wronged him a very long time ago.

Michael wanders away from the hospital where he’s being treated and finds his way back to his old apartment. He frantically searches for a pen and a piece of lined paper, and mumbles to himself about all the possible ways he intends on taking his revenge.

The scene then fades to a flashback and cuts to black and white. The year is 1963.

Michael exits a café and takes a seat on a bench. A rival gang led by a young man called Roberto approaches him and beats him up, leaving him on the ground beaten up.

It then fades back into reality and is no longer in black and white.

Michael tells himself that he needs to call one of his former gang members and tell him that he wants to take revenge. He tries calling, but someone else picks up instead. Michael hangs up and decides to take matters solely into his own hands. 

Michael grabs a pen and a piece of paper and scribbles down all the possible ways he can take his revenge. He crosses all the ideas out and leaves just one - Chopping him up. 

Michael searches the house for his switch-blade and cleaver. He finally finds them in a dusty box kept under his bed. He sits down and falls asleep in a chair. 

Suddenly, there’s a knock on the front door. Michael scrunches up his piece of paper and tosses it in the bin. He mutters to himself that it’s Roberto who’s at the door. The camera cuts to the knife and resting across his lap, as Michael picks them up and cautiously approaches the door.

A female voice asks if Michael is in there. Michael opens the door to which his daughter, Donna, stands there and in an unsurprised tone, says “Again, Papa?" "I thought that place was treating you for your dementia"

As his daughter escorts Michael, the camera slowly pans over to the bin, which is filled to the brim with scrunched up paper, revealing that this has indeed happened countless times.


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