Monday 12 April 2021

Post 14: Editing techniques:

During the phone call sequence. cross-cuts will be used between the conversation of Michael and the person who picked up the phone. 

Quick jump-cuts will be used when Michael is searching through drawers for his knife and cleaved. These fast cuts intersect with the loud distorted sounds of the clock and people outside. Furthermore, the use of jump-cuts will add a sense of urgency to the scene, which perfectly fits Michael's itching desire to cast his revenge on Roberto.

I’ll also be using jump cuts/ a montage to show a lot of time has passed since he’s been looking for his weapons. It will jump between him pacing around his living room to then moments of him searching drawers and closets.

I'm going to use a dissolve when Michael has a flashback to the 1960s in which he was beaten up by Roberto. The dissolve helps show that we are seeing an event from the past. Furthermore, the use of a flashback pays homage to the Media Res narrative technique which I'm going to use, as it provides an explanation to why he wants revenge. 

The dissolve will be used again when the flashback sequence ends, and comes back to reality. As the flashback ends, the dissolve will be used to then show that everything is back in colour, representing present day. 

To show time has passed, the scene will dissolve into a night time as he waits for Roberto. 

I used this video for inspiration and to help me decide which editing techniques would be appropriate for my short-film: 

Here is the link

Post 13: Final Sound

 I don't want to use many, if any, non-diegetic sounds. This is because I want my story to be naturalistic and the use of non-diegetic sounds will perhaps take away the immersion. 

In regards to Foley sound effects, I watched this video for inspiration and ideas: Foley sound video

When Michael comes up with his plan to get revenge on Roberto, I'm going to make all the diegetic sounds such as the clock ticking and the drawers slamming shut and people outside talking, even louder and more distorted. The use of sound here physicalises Michael's deranged and deteriorating mental state, showing that it's even declined since the start of the story. Moreover, the practical sound effects such as him walking, will be more exaggerated. Even the sound of his pen will appear to sound louder when he writes the list of ways he years to take revenge on Roberto. A loud knock on the door from the nurse will be what makes Michael the most paranoid, in which he approaches the door to attack who he assumes is Roberto. 

In the flashback, I'll use ambience from New York from the 1960s to help emphasise the urban setting. 

Here is an example of a loud ticking clock, which is what I'm going to add in my piece

This will also build the sense of urgency - Michael doesn't want to waste any time and wants to get his revenge on Roberto ASAP. 

When Michael assumes Roberto is at the door, I'm going to make his reaction appear in the form of an inner-monologue. I will achieve this by adding the audio of his line when the a close-up is used on his face - Thus, showing that this is what he's thinking. 

Friday 9 April 2021

Post 8: Final Plot Outline

Michael, a retired Mafia boss with dementia, seeks revenge on an old rival who had wronged him a very long time ago.

Michael wanders away from the hospital where he’s being treated and finds his way back to his old apartment. He frantically searches for a pen and a piece of lined paper, and mumbles to himself about all the possible ways he intends on taking his revenge.

The scene then fades to a flashback and cuts to black and white. The year is 1963.

Michael exits a café and takes a seat on a bench. A rival gang led by a young man called Roberto approaches him and beats him up, leaving him on the ground beaten up.

It then fades back into reality and is no longer in black and white.

Michael tells himself that he needs to call one of his former gang members and tell him that he wants to take revenge. He tries calling, but someone else picks up instead. Michael hangs up and decides to take matters solely into his own hands. 

Michael grabs a pen and a piece of paper and scribbles down all the possible ways he can take his revenge. He crosses all the ideas out and leaves just one - Chopping him up. 

Michael searches the house for his switch-blade and cleaver. He finally finds them in a dusty box kept under his bed. He sits down and falls asleep in a chair. 

Suddenly, there’s a knock on the front door. Michael scrunches up his piece of paper and tosses it in the bin. He mutters to himself that it’s Roberto who’s at the door. The camera cuts to the knife and resting across his lap, as Michael picks them up and cautiously approaches the door.

A female voice asks if Michael is in there. Michael opens the door to which his daughter, Donna, stands there and in an unsurprised tone, says “Again, Papa?" "I thought that place was treating you for your dementia"

As his daughter escorts Michael, the camera slowly pans over to the bin, which is filled to the brim with scrunched up paper, revealing that this has indeed happened countless times.


Post 8: Final Script:




An old Italian-American neighbourhood in the Village.  

MICHAEL, 80's, a bit dishevelled, dressed in pyjamas and
bathrobe, wanders up the sidewalk. He's holding a bag of
shopping and mumbling to himself.  
            Where the fuck is Frankie? Yeah,
            Frankie Nose. Dov'è il bastardo?


Michael's at home, a little confused, worried about
something. He sits himself down on a living room chair.


Young Michael walks out of a cafe, wearing a striped suit
and a hat. 

Roberto's crew drive by and jump him. TWO GOONS grab
Michael while TWO LEG-BREAKERS pummel him. They leave as
Michael is left beaten and bruised.
                                        DISSOLVE TO: 

            I can't let Roberto walk away from
            this unharmed. He will bleed. 
            I need to call the crew and tell
            them the situation. 

Michael approaches the old dial phone that sits on top of
the desk. He dials a number and waits. Finally, a WOMAN
picks up. 
                    (over phone)
            Put Frankie on the line!
                    (over phone)
            Who is this?
            I want Frankie Nose.
                    (over phone)
            Sir, no person called Frankie lives
            Tell him I need his assistance, and
            that Roberto is gonna learn a
                    (over phone)
            Again, I don't know who that is sir,
            I think you've got the wrong num-

Michael abruptly hangs up, cutting the woman off mid
            Guess I'm settling this one on my

Michael walks away from the desk. 


Michael changes into the same suit he wore when Roberto and
his crew jumped him. The suit barely fits and is too short on the legs. 


Michael frantically searches the desk, grabs a pen and a
piece of lined paper. He sits down and scribbles a list.
            Jump him. Torture him. Bury him
            alive. Burn him. Chop him up...

He crosses off all the listed ways he intends on taking
revenge, leaving only one: CHOP HIM UP. 


- Michael paces back and forth. 

- Emptying drawers, filled with old photos and documents.

- More pacing

- Tearing through a wardrobe

- Still More pacing

-  Finally, he pulls a box from under the bed. Inside: a
Sicilian switch-blade and a meat cleaver. 
            Yes. This is it.

He hefts the cleaver in his hand. 


He sits in an armchair. Watches the front door.  And waits.
            Roberto will come. Time to remind
            him what I'm famous for.
                                        DISSOLVE TO:


It's dark now.  Michael's asleep in the chair.


Someone KNOCKS at the door.

Michael leaps to his feet, flattens himself against the
wall - cleaver in hand. 

Another KNOCK, then someone unlocks the door and comes in
and flips the light on. 

It's Michael's daughter, DONNA,40's. She spots Michael
against the wall. He's shaking.
            Again, papa? 

She carefully takes the cleaver from his hand.
            I'm gonna put this back in that
            drawer. And what are you wearing?

She leads him back to the chair.  
            Roberto has been dead for a very
            long time, papa.  Time to forget
            about it.  Come'on, you're gonna
            miss dinner. 

The camera pans over to the bin, filled to the brim with
scrunched up pieces of paper. 


Donna escorts Michael out, closing the door behind her.
They shuffle up the hallway and out.
                                        FADE OUT:

Toast short film recreation:

  Here is the link